Yes that is my heart I am taping on. Some times I feel like I stop caring as a self defense, thanks Valentines day for reminding me of that that, sigh. On the bright side this is the first time I have attempted coloring the lines, does it look okay? I guess I just need to mess around with line coloring more to get the hang of it.
I'm thinking the lines on this might be too thick Adam.
And don't stop caring buddy. It makes me want to stop caring, and if I stop caring, then what's to stop everyone else from not caring? Nothing...that's what.
p.s. hannah is using jeffs last comment because jeff isnt that silly
Oh Hannah. Ye "trespasser of blog comment tools".
One more thing. Since I'm monopolizing blog comment space. I really like the simplicity of this concept! Well done again.
A broken heart and contrite spirit isn't such a bad thing. It just depends what happens to you when you are in that state.
I think you're not talking about a broken heart, but more a lack of heart, but correct me if I'm wrong...
It's more a lack of feeling things with my heart concerning relationships, a lack of caring. Not so much a broken heart which would indicate having cared recently and then lost. Just a lack of excitment towards dating at this particular moment in time.
Dang you got a buttload of comments on this one, but yeah I like the picture, but there's something about the line's colors that I don't like, but I can't put my finger on it
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