I made this for the Hourly contest this year. Basically the rules are you make a comic strip about your life once every hour you are awake on Feb. 1. I started off making one with two panels and in the middle changed it to one panel per hour. It was fun but I am tired and going to bed. Oh here is the link to the Hourly comic challenge
Man that's impressive! I don't know if i could do that, so I probably won't. To answer 2 of your questions, you said 'Happy Day' at work one time when we were doing a good job (in the dish washing area anyway), we were all happy and so you said Happy Day. My blog profound humor, I update it when I have new ideas, so there's no set time, although I usually make at least one new one before bed.
i love being in your comics, but i hate hindering you from your comic drawing....
i came in a used your bathroom at like 3 am, and i wondered if you had ghosts in your house... and if i sounded like one
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