I thought these little sculptures by Leslie Levings were awesome, they are called Beastlies
This is Hope Larson one my favorite cartoonists. I went to a panel that spotlighted her. There weren't a lot of people that came and so I sat in the front row and sat down next to Scott Mcloud (who made the book "Understanding comics) and her husband Bryan Lee O'Malley who is the creator of Scott Pilgram Of course I didn't reconize them and didn't realize who they were until Hope started talking about them and pointing to them.
Tara McPherson
Holy Crap! You are soooooo lucky. I'm not usually into people meeting famous people, but I actually really admire both of those guys you sat by (Hope Larson isn't too shabby either.) That is just sweet.
I actually was thinking about you a lot as I sat by them because I knew how much you like them. I mean I found out about Scott Pilgram from you Mike and I think we have had a few conversations about Scott Mcloud. I was actually wishing you were there because I wanted to talk to them but I had no idea what to say.
I'm not 100% sure what I would say either. Especially because they were both there to see Hope Larson. It would be kind of rude to just start talking to them a ton while they were trying to be supportive.
I might have asked about their work habits/schedule. But I could have asked Hope the same thing. It's just something I'm working on for myself and I wonder how they do it.
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